Sunday, September 25, 2011

happy now?

ok this post is dedcated to my stalker nechamah who said i needed to writ besides posting here it goes..ilana has officially opened jerusalem feeding center with her first client seen on fridaqy!! woohoo money..i mean..yay for professionalism!! haha
any way, kids ae doing great and making amazing projectrs for rosh hashana and learning a ton!! yedidya is eating eevrything and just growing fattter by the day, shalhevet is miss popular and temmima well is the meemer.. need i say more?
today it rained, and not just poured and all the kids danced and sang in the streets literally and the blessings over the thunder and lightnening could be heard all around. !! it was an amazing sight in the middle of the um ..dessert, yeah thats right we live in a dessert ..
rosh hashana is felt all around with eevryone wishing us shama tova, packages of food taking on a new look for the holidays and a sense of tshuva and awesmness prevails on the country as the yamim noraim approach..nothing like it!!
Wishing you all shana tova umetuka, a year full of ahppinerss, health, prosperity, love and peace!!!
love ilana ezra shalhevet temmima and yedidya

1 comment:

  1. You live in dessert? Is it chocolate? :)
    Just teasin'...
    L'shana Tova!
